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Jeff Holoubek Somadi

To stand fearless on the edge of forever...

What does freedom feel like?

We all deserve to feel free, to know peace.   It is our birthright to experience the simple joy of being, and yet many of us have no experiential reference point of what that is or feels like.  We are born into a culture of competition, of glorified exhaustion, of more is better, and we often end up lost and disconnected from ourselves, each other, and from the natural world that gives life to us all.   


I have been privileged to experience a diversity of practices and traditions that have helped me to cultivate a greater sense of peace and presence in my life.  After completing my B.S. at Babson College, I pursued a newfound passion for building bridges of care and compassion between humans and the rest of nature.  I studied Deep Ecology and Environmental Education at Prescott College and have worked as a naturalist and school teacher in Arizona and Colorado.  My love for life led me to a path of ceremony and healing that exposed me to things like men's work, sweat lodge, the Way of Council, Amazonian plant medicine, and eventually to 5-Me0-DMT and the liberating experience of non-duality. 


Perhaps the most impactful and positively transformative experience I have had is with 5-MeO-DMT, sourced with care from the Sonoran Desert Toad.   My first encounter felt like the first time in my life that I experienced freedom, the total liberation from all fear and control and ideas of "right and wrong."  I was able to let go, of everything, and that feeling of emptiness and of "everything is okay" has become my guiding light, the inspiration for the work I share.  Since that time, I have devoted my life to integrating (remembering and embodying) that feeling of peace, and to supporting others on their own unique and beautiful journey of remembering.  

jeff holoubek somadi


It is my goal to make this work available to all who are called.  Here are a few different ways to get involved and start exploring...

Receive support as you prepare for and/or integrate transformative experiences.  I specialize in

5-Me0-DMT support and integrating experiences of non-duality. 

There is something special about gathering together in circle.  I offer online and in-person integration circles and guide men's circles in Boulder, CO.

(all circles are currently full, stay tuned for openings)

Join us for a cultural immersion or tailor a private retreat just for you.

"Your own self-realization is the greatest service you can render the world."

Sri Ramana Maharshi

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